
Sick Spice

Since Quebec life has been very merry :-D I like Canada lots and lots, however I think you might have realised that by now. Our bonkers travelling has ceased for the moment as the work begins to pile up. However that does mean because we are not travelling, we have time to GO AND GET BLATHERED IN MONTREAL BEVERAGING ESTABLISHMENTS. HEChange socials, Cafe Campus, BallRoom, Dawns Birthday @ GoGo, Happy Hour (known over here as 4@7) etc etc etc. My liver is hurting as I am now on the third day of the biggest hangover of all time and I question myself for the 1 millionth time why the hell we do it to ourselves, or rather why Jenna and Bianca did it to me ;-) !

Apart from the alcohol I did "some" work this week ohhhhh and managed a day trip to Ottawa to skate on the largest skating rink in the world (and World Heritage Site); the Rideau Canal! It's 7.6km long (we managed 6.6km round trip) and the ice is over 2 meters thick. Its amazing to think that I was skating on something that I saw as a river the last time I was in the city. However it lasts less and less each year due to global warming; they used to have a skating season of over 3 months and now it is only a matter of weeks. Talking of skating the lessons are going well (I've probably gone and jinxed myself now though)!!! I can skate backwards and do a funny cross-over-feet-thing (obv the official term for the move) and theoretically I know how to do a pirrowet (sp!!??) but putting it into practise is a little more difficult. Note to reader = never go to a 7am ice skating lesson with the worst hangover of all time, its always going to end ugly.

Anyway another HEChange party to night in ode of Valentines Day and before I know it, it will be the weekend where I might just have to have more fun ;-)

P.s. decided to go to Florida on Spring Break so plenty of face rubbing will be done over the next 18 days :-D NICE TIMES NICE TIMES

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