How to survive winter in Montreal was a useful class I attended when living in Canada; no word of a lie, the International Student office at my university organised a compulsory class for all non-Canadians (yee olde immigrants as I so often liked to call them ... us) so we wouldn't loose our toes when the -30 weather arrived. My main winter survival strategy is alcohol, a hip flask becomes your best friend, and don't worry it's only called alcoholism in summer, in winter its more a survival tactic! Ironically I have also had to embrace winter on the South coast; nothing like what it used to be in Montie but still, any excuse to go and buy fury winter friends to attach to your ears. Snug as a bug in a rug!

i likee yourr hatt, veryyy.... russian :)
alsoo wackoo coatt.
mum's words were "bloody hell" hahaha
love youu xx
thee wacko lepard print coat!!
hahahaha i thought mum would have appreciated a bit of bett lynch xx
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