Bit of bad news from home today, the eco house isn’t going to plan
and the council have put an injunction in banning the roofing that dad had chosen, he is “spitting feathers.” I don’t understand why they have been so uncooperative throughout this whole project and are unable to see how freaking amazing it will look when its finished. So the scaffolding is up and its being paid for and no one can do anything because of some architecturally blind man in an office in Beverley, twat!! I mean it can only get better right -->
On the other hand the great news is that Ali passed his driving
test, seriously chuffed for him but I AM SOOOOOO SCARED that he is now in charge of India. I can already imagine that Kera Knightly has been banished from the key chain and some Page3 blond has replaced it. Ha. Please let me come home with her in one piece Ali!!! He has also finally escaped the grasps of Scarborough College and is off to York College from September to study photography, the end of an era!
And Chloe continues to dominate the world of golf single handedly and probably half of Yorkshires unsuspecting 13 year old boys ;-). Need I say anymore :-). X
On the other hand the great news is that Ali passed his driving
And Chloe continues to dominate the world of golf single handedly and probably half of Yorkshires unsuspecting 13 year old boys ;-). Need I say anymore :-). X
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