I wish I had something interesting to actually inform you of but alas my life has probably never been less interesting. The highlight of my week was getting into a fight with a man in the library because I had twenty books on Economic and Monetary Union and apparently I was "monopolising resources." Probably true....
Its been a bad week for parties, when I mean bad I mean its been a bad week for work because there have been too many parties but hey you can't win them all. So far this week I've managed to find legitimate reasons to go out dressed in a 70's Afro wig, a gentleman's top hat, thigh high American Apparel sports socks and a Christmas tree outfit with functioning lights.

We went to a SILENT DISCO on Friday in an old theatre in Bath and it was totally amazing! If you don't know of the concept (thank you Glastonbury) basically dancers are provided with wireless headphones which can be tuned in to listen to a DJ (there are numerous channels so you can swoop between DJ's if you don't like the song one DJ is playing). The concept of a silent disco earns its name because any outsider walking into the event would see a venue full of people dancing, yet hear no music, hence silent disco. It's sooooo strange but a wicked night.

Ohhh and I'm making a documentary. This is a documentary in the loosest sense of the word as it will be filmed on my digital camera most probably in my back garden but a documentary all the same. I'm filming my dad talking to trees (yes I did just say I'm going to film my dad talking to trees) for an ecology project and although I seem to bore most people to death when I talk about it I'm geekishly excited about starting. However on second thoughts the excitement is probably linked to the fact that my dad is probably going to look like a real tit ;-)
We're having a practise Christmas dinner run though on Wednesday which is quite exciting. I've never cooked a proper Christmas dinner before and I'm a bit worried about what exactly you're supposed to do with the turkey (bit of a major issue I'm thinking seeming its Christmas dinner) however I'm sure Delia will get me through it nicely.