I know you're all jealous not to be the first, but someone had to be the coolest and obviously it was going to be the Montreal bunch! This week Sandra (our placement coordinator from Bath Uni) was visiting to ensure that everything was going swimmingly!!! It was really really werid seeing someone from home in a place that wasn't home, and really reassuring when she told us not to freak out if we were finding the French difficult because it was supposed to be difficult (ha!!) although it wasn't so reassuring when she told us that they work you harder at HEC Montreal than any other business school we can attend on the IMML programme! Oh well, what other country has a Ben and Jerry ice cream shop open until 3.am :-)

Friday = fat shaped heaven when Heta and Oreo (her roomie) held the best culinary night of my life. Pancakes (made with rum yum yum) were consumed at an alarming rate with an array of highly fattening complements. Twas followed by another immigrant soirée and some killer cocktails at a bar called GogoLounge which is now on my "funky Montreal bar list;" wicked DJ and all the cocktail menu was made from recycled records :-). Then obviously the night wouldnt be complete without a visit to the doggiest pizza place in Montreal, which advertises pizza for $0.99 but actually charges $1.79, but it has a sesame seed crust so we don't complain :-) The night finished with probably the strangest thing yet to happen in Montreal, we were waiting on the metro platform but instead of a train arriving down the tracks, a tractor came trundling down....
I spent the weekend in Trois-Rivières at Gen's house. Was soooo lovely just to get out of the city and see some green!! Just chilled for most of the weekend; we went to the beach (whoop I love wearing my bikini in September, so wrong but so right), ate sooooooo much good food, and played some stonking Canada vs England tennis matches!
And now it's time what you've all been waiting for; Scarlett corner! Alas there has been a lack of quotes this past week, maybe she is being more selective as to when she opens her mouth...humm anyway I still have a couple of blinders for you;
Scarlett "That Sarkozy guy is quite hot. I was watching him on youtube with that Sigorney Weaver woman."
Scarlett "If we were all naked wouldn't life be a lot easier, I mean we would all be thin!"
God! HOW EMBARASSING! And yes I am trying to think before I speak these days lol! If your blog becomes published, these quotes are gonna be available for the whole world to see! ahh!!
but scarlett you are so funny
who said that haha?? And how do you know I'm Scarlett :p
scarlett are you and some randomer using my blog to flirt with eachother.....
haha.... well i actually thought I was talking to you LOL! I'm wondeirng ..is this Jenna, or perhaps Piere? ahhhh REVEAL YOURSELF! :p
now Scarlett and Lorna if i revealed myself everything would be a bit less interesting
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