Immigrants and the city...and some Philly cream cheese
Puis a little hop over to PHILADELPHIA to stay with Ollie and have a mini Rivers Street reunion 4000 miles away from Rivers Street as Nomes was (totally coincidently) in Philly for the weekend. The tourism got off to a good start however we were smashed by 5pm and that lead to a very interesting night "Philly style." Never, and I say never, drink alcoholic slush puppies...its bound to end in pain the morning after!
One very big apple and one overly excited yorkshire lass!!!
Would you like ice with that sir?
Then obviously there was a splattering of nights out in various drunken stages during the week and before I know it it's back round to another week of lessons and frolics. I spend the last few days at Mont Tremblant learning to ski with Jenna and her sister Kate. WOWOWOWOW; another winter Canadian sport I could become quite attached too. Managed to spend a lot of time on my ass but also impressed myself at how much better I got over the three days; even managing a few bits of Blue runs by the end of the third day. The only inconvenience re. skiing in the COLDEST COUNTRY ON EARTH is the weather...today's temperatures were hilarious, a mere -34 degrees at the summit....I didn't know temperatures like that existed in the human world....let alone the fact that people did physical activities outside in them. However I am still alive....I have to be one of my few friends who has survived the experience of frozen snot (oh yes very very attractive) and whilst my body remained warm during the day I do think I left a few toes behind on the last run I did. I return to Montreal happy, aching and sore but still with both legs, arms, ears and eyes...ohh and accompanied by a wallet which is a considerable amount lighter.
On a hunt for the Irish
Then on Saturday night, in response to our new obsession (correction my new obsession) with all things "Ps I love you" related, we went hunting for an Irish pub filled with equally Irish hunks. Two English (Lorna and Jenna) and two Scottish (Dawn and Ross) in an Irish pub (Hurley's) which contained numerous drunken people and some ugly but vocally pleasing bands...ohh and a space lawyer (yes I know I also said WTF). All in all a wicked night out. I don't think I've ever "just been to the pub" and come home at 4am and I'm now seriously digging a bit of fiddle playing.
(I think I used brackets a little too much in that post...hehehe)
Don't really have very much to infom you on, however I'm bored and can't be bothered on the mountain of work I have already been set. Havn't decided on which classes I am taking this semester yet, I comitted the mistake of signing up to loads with the idea of dropping those full of freaks or taught by weridos however all of them were kinda interesting so will reserve my judgement for another week or so.
Last night me and the girls (ie Scarl and Jenpen) went to see Ps I love you and whoooaaahhh not a dry eye in the house (well on my part at least). I think that there was about 7 minutes of film where I wasn't crying my eyes out but still loved it ohhhhh and I have a new appreciation for hunks of the Irish variety:
Then tonight is another Quebecois night where the alcoholic exchange commitee have been charged with cooking for us again. Needless to say I will be eating before arrival out of fear for my life, and for sure will be nursing a monster hangover por la manana.
Intergration with Celine Dion anyone??
Ingredients =
1 bus full of exchange students
1 car full of exchange student organisers
1 mountain
1 escalator up mountain
1 month of snow
1 giant rubber ring for each person
1 death wish
Ohh and a set of appropriate snow clothes
Method =
Take giant rubber ring and travel up mountain on escalator. Choose appropriate death slide. Sit in rubber ring holding onto the ring of other exchange students. Find passing stranger to push. Scream as you fly down side of mountain remembering to pull unflattering faces for photos and videos. Reach bottom of mountain, hopefully still with dignity intact. Climb mountain to do it all again.
Then just when I think my life cannot get any better (hehe) we happen to come across CELINE DION'S MOTHERS HOUSE. Oh yes baby this is the closest I will ever come to sed Canadian goddess, so naturally we posed for photos! Thanks Joelle and Alex for an amazing day!
Long long time...
Most of the exchange students from last semester have left and have been replaced by 97 new ones........ my opinion is reserved as yet because we havn't had a lot of time to talk to them but if you're reading this YOU HAVE A LOT TO LIVE UP TO!!!!!!! Marie, Heta, Ann-Laurre, Eloise, Michiel, Linda, Benoit, Claire, Clara, Ulrike, Naty (and anyone else I fogot) I MISS YOU and you don't realise how strange it is being here without you all!!!
Intergration week is in full flow, with alcohol aplenty and many layers of clothing to prevent us from imminent death of freeeeeezing. Last night was the pub crawl followed by 737 (the club on the top of a sky scraper) and then Greg, Jenna and I spent 3 hours intense training on the ice today down at the Old Port (lots of romanticalness) so now I'm hungover with aching ice skating legs but ready for what this semester has to offer.....BRING IT ON :-D