A flag is a piece of fabric, often flown from a pole or mast, generally used symbolically for signaling or identification. NOT
J'aime celui qui rêve l'impossible (Goethe)
Back to basics
When can we emigrate?
(Second photo here)
So the February school holidays have finished after a whirlwind of skiing and French tourism and to add a perfect end to a perfect holiday I've spent the day at Fal and Rach's where we made a huge family brunch (picture eggs, sausages, bacon, beans, toast, marmite, jam, juice, coffee etc) so my extended dysfunctional (and obviously much loved) group of friends could all met up after our two weeks apart to share stories, eat, drink and laugh. Hummmm ... despite the fact France is where I want to be right now; I can't help but feel terribly Canadsick deep down. Suppose you never really get over your first love ♥♥♥
Il vaut mieux être bourré que con, ça dure moins longtemps ...
By day
TGIF! Apero time ...
I've just got back from a week of military skiing in the Alps and can no longer feel my extremities. I need beer and a shower and I need them now!
Brekkie with Hakim
So after all this failure (skiing, swimming, French grammar in general, the ability to stay normal and transmit a non mental image to my students etc etc) I thought it would be a good idea to talk about something I do well, EATING! Basically I looked like this ... to eat bread and yummy home made loganberry jam. Yum yum yum
I spent an hour pre swim taking photos with the above camera (a Nikon D700 belonging to my very trusting photography teacher) and lets just say I don't think I will ever be able to look at my little Cannon 450D in the same way!
Oh and by the way; that last photo is about as much swimming costume exposure you're going to get, donning a cossie in front of 800 students is one thing, but putting them online, ha, do you think I'm totally stupid?! In fact, don't answer that ...
Fail. Fail again. Fail better!
So I'm not exactly the worlds best skier (see above photo for confirmation of how I spend most of my time on the slopes ... and yes I actually landed like that!) but the sunshine, the snow, the laughter and of course the après ski make it all worth while. I got out skied by my bosses 6 year old daughter on Sunday, indeed she stopped numerous times to help me get up off my ass and proceeded to give me tips to improve my technique. I'm heading off skiing with the military on Saturday for a week so it's going to be a daily case of fail, fail again and fail better! Anyone have any recommendations for a good health insurance program?